School Council

Welcome to Ysgol Yr Esgob’s school council! Our council is run by Mrs Burke-Williams and our members for 2023-24 are: 

Sophie and Alys (Y6), Georgia and Joe (Y5), Del and Annie (Y4), Lili and Layla (Y3), Harry, Riley and Nico (Y2), Lettie and Archie (Y1). 

We have regular meetings throughout the terms to discuss our actions from our action plan. In our first meeting of the year, we always decide on the key roles of the council. Mrs Burke-Williams starts the year with being the Chair to model good practice. Alys is in role as Vice Chair this year and supports with the running of the meetings, including organisational support. Sophie (Y6) is our secretary and minute taker and types up the minutes from each meeting. All other children play key roles in making decisions, voting, sharing and discussing ideas and running whole-school assemblies.

One of our actions this year was to decide on a charity to support and partake in a fundraiser for this. Once the charity was decided by the council, both Sophie and Alys worked together to put together a school council assembly with the rest of the members, which was very successful! 

Another proposed action from our plan this academic year, is to improve pupil voice across the school, so we are excited to get this underway! 

Here is a copy of our School Council Constitution:

Ysgol Yr Esgob School Council Constitution


The aim of Ysgol Yr Esgob School Council is to give pupils the opportunity to express their views about school life in a forum where they will be listened to and action taken when appropriate. It will also enable them to actively participate in improving the school community. The school council will provide a formalised channel of communication between pupils, the Senior Management Team and the Governing Body.


·       An election will be held in September each year

·       The election will be by secret ballot

·       There should be two representatives from each class, one boy and one girl

·       A pupil may be elected to the School Council for a period of 1 year.

·       The chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary/minute taker will be elected by school councillors.


·       School Council meetings will be held every half term but not less than six times during the school year.

·       Meetings will take place during curriculum time.

·       The meetings will follow a set agenda.

·       School Councillors will be given the opportunity to report back from meetings and discuss issues in their classes as part of a class council.

·       Minutes will be taken at every council meeting and displayed on School Council notice board.

·       All decisions taken at the School Council meetings shall be by show of hands and the result of the vote will be recorded.

·       If a Councillor is unable to attend a meeting they should arrange for a classmate to attend on their behalf.

·       School Council meetings will be supervised by at least one member of school staff.


·       Councillors, as representatives of the school agree to maintain a good standard of behavior.

·       Members of staff are not entitled to vote at School Council meetings.

·       The Council will not have its own account butany money intended to be spent must have the approval of the head teacher.

·       The School Council has a responsibility to think of ways to help the school community to become safer, healthier, more pleasant and environmentally friendly

·       Governors may nominate a representative to attend School Council meetings, as required.

·       The council may invite people to the meeting to explain an aspect of school life when appropriate.